The Center for Spiritual Deepening at St. Aidan’s was born in 2016 when a small group gathering for silent prayer and conversation wondered aloud how to widen our circle. We knew others must share our longing for a community in which to pursue a deeper connection to the transcendent.
We invited teachers to speak about the spiritual life through classes and workshops. From the church and the surrounding community, people came. Over time, we’ve explored spiritual practice through contemplative prayer, art-making, the teaching of the mystics, sacred texts, music, and movement. John Philip Newell and Matthew Wright have led retreats, and we have made two pilgrimages to Iona.
Those drawn to the Center find companions in listening for the Spirit’s invitation, whether or not they are drawn to the community commonly known as "church.” The Center seeks to provide nurture and support for all, hoping together to gain clarity and grounding--support for our longing to become the sound, whole persons our traditions tell us we were created to be.
“Parker Palmer likens the nature of the soul to a wild animal deep in the woods of our psyche that if approached brusquely, or cross-examined will simply run away. We have to create quiet, inviting, and trustworthy spaces to keep the insights and presence of the soul at the table.” Krista Tippett
“The Center adds a whole new dimension to our spiritual life and to our life at St. Aidan’s…
we’re all traveling [the] journey together.” – A Participant