
Hearts Tuned to Grace
We welcome you to join the St. Aidan's family in our worship of God and our fellowship with one another. In word and sacrament, we gather to pray, sing (or listen), contemplate, and share the holy communion that transforms us into Christ's body for the world he loves. We hope that in your time with us you will find comfort and renewal, and that you will be strengthened for your journey.
Wherever you are coming from, whatever your spiritual journey, you are welcome to pray with us!
Note: Attendance on Zoom for the 9:30 and 5:30 services is provided via a link that appears in our Saturday E-News. If you want to be added to the E-News list, please subscribe by entering your information in the box in the blue footer at the bottom of this page.
Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:30 a.m. Service
On Sunday we share the eucharistic liturgy as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer, along with contemporary adaptations from time to time. "Joyful and reverent" are the watchwords for this service. All are invited to gather at Christ's table to share Holy Communion or a blessing. Those who join us online, rather than in person, are invited to a spiritual communion. Prayers for the community and the world bind us together as we follow the Lord's command: "Do this in remembrance of me."
We welcome children of all ages as integral members of the Body of Christ, and invite them to help lead worship, including following the cross out during the closing hymn while waving musical shakers or ribbons.

Celtic Service 5:30 p.m. Service
Our Sunday evening Eucharist draws on our Celtic Christian roots, with an emphasis on God's presence in all of creation, especially in the natural world and in humanity. Our evening musicians blend keyboards, woodwinds and voices to provide meditative music for contemplation and reflection throughout the service. The service includes poetry, silence, scripture and a short meditation, healing prayers, and candlelight. We encourage those attending on Zoom to prepare your own spaces at home and have your own candles ready to light at the appropriate time.
"As the years have gone by, it's been a source of joy and pride to belong to a church that does welcome everyone. I've brought many people here for various reasons--people from other faiths, and people who have no faith at all. And to see that all are welcome reminds me that not only have I found a place where I belong,
but that allows me to bring in and celebrate everyone in my life."
Parishioner on why she belongs to St. Aidan's