Transition Timeline
The vestry calls an interim priest
The vestry and staff met on May 12, 2020, with transition minister The Rev. Sarah Brockenbrough. With support and guidance from The Rev. Brockenbrough, the vestry called The Rev. Dr. Rosemary Beales to serve as interim rector; her ministry at St. Aidan’s began on July 1, 2020. An interim rector has specialized training to help parishes through their transition period. The interim rector is not eligible to become our permanent rector.
A discernment committee is formed and commissioned
St. Aidan’s discernment committee was commissioned on November 8, 2020. Members are Darlene Ash, Pris Bornmann, Viju Dilley, Mary Jane Guffey, Lisa Richard (chair), Kevin Saunders, Kathy Seikel, and Barbara Cotter (alternate).
The discernment committee leads a self-study of the parish,
with input from the congregation
The congregation is invited to respond to a survey and also to participate in facilitated listening sessions. These two tools for self-study elicit insights into who we are as a church, what directions are most important to our future, and how we hope to move our ministry forward as a community.
We enhance our website presence and develop a
Community Ministry Portfolio
Our website is our public-facing vehicle for sharing with the community a window into the life and ministry of St. Aidan’s. Information and insights gathered through the self-study are incorporated into enhancements to the website. The Community Ministry Portfolio is not public facing; it is posted on the diocesan website and visible to candidates for the position of rector. What we learn from the self-study informs the development of a portfolio that shares the St. Aidan’s story well.
The discernment committee receives candidate names
The Office of Transition Ministry will support us in the process of receiving candidate names and applications. The discernment committee conducts interviews and selects a finalist.
The vestry extends a call
The vestry meets with the finalist. If the candidate is affirmed, the vestry extends a call.